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About us

Financial Controlling & Reporting was born with the purpose of delivering high-quality accounting together with excellent advice. After speaking with many Directors and Entrepreneurs, we realized that the vast majority did not have a good understanding of their financial situation. Among his concerns was not understanding what his accountant was doing, what key points affected his results and the payment of taxes. A big topic here was tax caps and non-deductible expenses for a business.

Another important point that led us to found the company was being able to provide better advice for Mexican companies that report to the parent company in Germany. Due to the different tax laws and cultures of both countries, communicating results from one country to another can be somewhat complex. Our added value is to provide these companies with knowledge of the differences between the Mexican accounting system and internationally recognized standards ( IFRS, US GAAP and HGB) to standardize reporting.

Deliver high-quality accounting, accompanied by great advice.

To be the leading firm as the most recognized Mexican-German Accounting Firm in Mexico.

We work with passion, honesty, integrity, confidentiality, responsibility and punctuality to cover the accounting needs of our clients.

Some situations for which we have been sought

„I received an email from the IRS asking me to please pay my taxes"

„The accountant did not submit the information on time and now we have surcharges“

„We did not know that we were doing the accounting wrong until we had to pay a fine of $500,000 pesos“

„We saw a loss in the company, however we had to pay taxes“



Mexico City, Mexico


Coming soon, Germany

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